
aboutpic2Hi! My name is Meredith and if you hadn’t guessed already, I love sex. I love having it, I love reading about it, I love watching it, and I love writing about it. This is the main reason I decided to start this blog.

If you know me from Fetlife, you probably already know that I ran a sex blog once before a couple of years ago, but I decided to close it down because I honestly didn’t think I knew enough about the subject, or as much as I would’ve like to known at the time to be giving people advice, or even giving toy reviews. Now however is a different story, my sex life has evolved into something amazing just in the past year alone, and I’ve gained so much more knowledge than I’ve ever had before, that I’m ready to share my thoughts, advice and stories with you all once again.


I’m sex positive, Bisexual, a Submissive, and a Babygirl that also age regresses almost daily. I have two Daddies, one that I live with and one that I am in a long distance relationship with. I am also Polyamorous because one of the things I have learned about myself in the past couple of years is that I have enough love for everyone who I allow into my life.aboutpic3

On a non sexual note, I am plus size and body positive, I have rolls, curves, scars and tiger stripes on the outside, and on the inside I have depression, generalized anxiety, social anxiety, and PTSD. My curves, rolls, scars, and stripes, mental and physical, all make me, me and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve not had a perfect life, and every flaw I have tells a story. I also enjoy all things geeky including video games, horror movies, crocheting and making customized adult pacifiers for the ABDL and Ageplay communities, as well as running my own graphic designs shop on Etsy.

I hope you enjoy what I have to say, and if you would like to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to email me, or DM me on Twitter, Instagram, or even Fetlife if you are a member there.